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March 11, 2008


Richard Bentley

Don't get up over your head in the lawyer slime from East Texas. I understand it has reached the Rio Grande and is at this moment creating a dead spot in the gulf.

Richard Bentley

Don't get up over your head in the lawyer slime from East Texas. I understand it has reached the Rio Grande and is at this moment creating a dead spot in the gulf.


"The Banana Republic of East Texas." I like that, and it does seem to fit the bill.

On a more serious note, I think that a police investigation of the judiciary in East Texas should be carried out. Whether or not the actions of the courts there were legal, there is now a perception that things may not have been. The only way to clear the air is to launch an independent investigation, and the investigation would fall under criminal law, as interference with the court system is a criminal offense.


I wonder how long it will take for dozens (or hundreds) of others to create similar content to make it impossible for those *trolls* to be too busy to bother with them. Kinda line Digg with the MPAA DVD decryption key not too long ago.

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