This blog turned six months old on Tuesday. Happy half-birthday!
That makes it a good time to make a change in policy. This blog has been open to comments since the start, but they've been moderated, a decision I made early on I was very new to this. (I've published every comment submitted to me, verbatim.)
Well, I just managed to annoy myself with my own policy after having to approve my own comment. The policy is unnecessary. So, I'm going to allow unmoderated comments, in the interest of generating a more vigorous public conversation and... not annoying myself.
I won't ever alter a comment in any way. I won't delete anything unless it's incredibly uncivil or somehow illegal. If I do delete part or all of a comment for one of those extraordinary reasons, I will note that I have done so. Anonymous comments are fine. Have fun!
UPDATE: I wrote this post and then didn't immediately change the setting, so several comments on last few posts went unpublished until now. They've all been published and now, Monday May 12th, the new comment policy is truly in effect. Really!