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July 10, 2009


Jackie Hutter

Not surprised that Fish is moving to distance itself from Park. A good friend of mine who is an equity partner at F&R told me they "don't usually do plaintiff's work" so that it can obtain the big bucks from corporate patent litigants. Given the ease with which the identity of law firm clients can be discovered today by using PACER and an Excel spreadsheet, I expect that more law firms will start to realize that it may be dangerous to represent both "trolls" and corporations. In that regard, you might find this blogpost interesting:

Patent Lawyer

Nice of F&R and Sidley to help this "NPE" get licenses and enhance the validity of these patents, and then back off at the last minute so that the NPE can sue quite a few of their clients. In addition to Apple and Nokia, there are a bunch more companies who were sued that use these firms regularly. For example, can Apple actually be happy that it is hiring firms that make a living helping SPH and WiAV and other NPEs get licenses and judgments so they can take those enhanced patents and then sue Apple? Or do in-house lawyers really not care what their law firms do when they are not defending their big clients? On that note, Jackie - nice blog post.

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