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September 17, 2009


Y. Peter Fujii

Very interested in what Frenkel said in the court. Appreciate your reporting of what will further happen in trial.


Your reporting on the issue is excellent. My only request is to see the official source of the oral arguments and case history (a link would be nice).

PTT please come back - it is sad that such an important voice has been silenced. With the litany of anonymous blog cases currently revealing themselves, it would only make sense for you to learn from the past, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and forge ahead. Best of luck in all future endeavors.

Joe Mullin

Thanks for your comment Jules. If by 'official source of the oral arguments' you mean the court transcripts, the transcripts are much too expensive for me to order; at almost $1 per page, that service adds up to hundreds of dollars per day. The quotes in my reporting are based on my own courtroom note-taking, hardly an official record, but I keep up as best I can!

In terms of case history, the Albritton v. Cisco docket for this case can be seen on

Andrew Goldberg

Thanks for your comment Jules. If by 'official source of the oral arguments'
you mean the court transcripts, the transcripts are much too expensive for
me to order; at almost $1 per page, that service adds up to hundreds of
dollars per day. The quotes in my reporting are based on my own courtroom
note-taking, hardly an official record, but I keep up as best I can!

In terms of case history, the Albritton v. Cisco
this case can be seen on

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 7:11 AM, wrote:


Joe, in truth, I don't know exactly what I meant by "official source of the oral arguments". No worries. I now remember reading you would be visiting Texas and would be stopping by the courtroom. Thanks for clarifying that.

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