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September 22, 2009



Does anyone read this as though he surrendered, rather than letting himself be embarrassed by losing, after he found that he'd have to prove actual malice (and therefore probably wouldn't get any money even if he won)?

I'd have been tempted to beat him in court, though I can understand why it wouldn't make any financial sense for Cisco, especially if the terms of the settlement were favorable.


I read it that Cisco lost ALL but one of their JMOL motions and this was an easy way out.


TexasRanger:"I read it that Cisco lost ALL but one of their JMOL motions and this was an easy way out"

You think that Ciosco thought that Albritton was going to succeed in showing that Frenkel intentionally or recklessly published falsehoods?

If so, you're an idiot. Oops, I'm sorry -- you're from Texas. I meant to say "you're an idiot, here's a kleenex."


Wish I'd been a fly on the wall during the settlement negotiations. Though I can't believe this case made it to court, at least the soap opera was an entertaining diversion in the course of my readings on patent litigation.

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