- Did you know patent litigation actually increases competition? (Also, night is day, black is white, and 2+2=5, all to be addressed in future posts.) Who thinks more lawsuits are good for the economy? File that under "not surprising": Two consultants from litigation-support company LECG, joined by a partner from Howrey LLP. (Wait, isn't that the "no trolls" law firm? Hmm...) Read their new paper, which seems to suggest that so-called "patent trolls" should be renamed "patent elves." Reported Friday by IPlaw360 (subscribers only).
- File this under "even less surprising." Not reported by IPlaw360 is the company that paid for the discovery of this new math: Qualcomm, a big-time patent licensor. (The authors did the right thing by disclosing this fact in a front-page footnote.)
- Today, an April jury verdict for Alcatel-Lucent and against Microsoft was upped from $358 million to $512 million, the AP reports. That makes this the biggest patent award of 2008 so far, even bigger than both massive verdicts against Boston Scientific. Microsoft will appeal.
- The Naked Cowboy, a New Yorker who claims M&M/Mars stole his outfit idea for an advertisement, still has hope, reports the WSJ law blog. A judge threw out his privacy claim but his trademark infringement claim lives on...